Hey ! This is this website’s very first post. If you’re new here, this little thing will help you understand the intent and “lore” of my musical project Softenon Babe. For more info, please visit the “about” page.
History is full of interesting stories regarding disability and malformations, but the one which always haunted me the most is the Thalidomide scandal. In the late 50s / early 60s, a new medicine was made available for pregnant women, to ease morning sickness. It was effective and soon became very popular. But the magical pill had a terrible side effect. Babies born with severe deformity.
Contradictory Eugenism… The human race is wonderful!
Thalidomide was sold under different names in different countries. Contergan in Germany… And Softenon in Belgium.
So yeah… Now you get it, why I chose the name.
I did change baby for babe tho as i thought “damn, this scene is still lacking feminine representation !” We’ll get on that topic one day
I will do my best to talk a lot more about disabilities’ (pretty horrendous) history in these posts as it’s my main theme with Softenon Babe and each Softenon Babe release actually having an underlying concept !